Ein Wunder Sein: Berliner Paare Alle Art (To Be a Miracle: Berliner Couples of All Kinds) German with English subtitles 10 couples who have been together at least 2 years are separated and interviewed about their relationship. Documentary & Video...
Conceptor / Director / Scriptwriter / Camera / Editor Selection from 2013 – 2021 ELECTROSEXUAL | (How to) Change Your Mind Pauline AndrĂ©s | Drive Like Steve McQueen Daan van Kampenhout | Birthing Ancestors...
Art Director / Electrosexual 2 Music Videos: Concept, Storyboard, Camera, Direction, Art Direction, and Editing for musician ELECTROSEXUAL The Way They Make You Feel (2015) Concept: The feeling of what it feels like to dance on a crowded...
Director, Editor, and Camera Atelier PMP Purpose: 3 short advertising clips used in advertising campaign and POS stands. Client wanted a contemporary urban mood and feeling. I focused the concept on graffiti-making and city...